Tag: Just Science

If you pay attention, it all works out pretty well

If you pay attention, it all works out pretty well

There’s a lot of weird stuff going on. It’s the second week of 2021, and instead of any kind of return to normalcy, it looks like the world is falling apart and the USA is tearing itself apart.

The news seems to be mostly designed to result in people thinking….uhhh…whatever the news people want their listeners to think? Probably? At best, the news outlets are perhaps trying to “fix” things the best way they know how – but that seems to mostly resemble trying to control people into aligning to their version of reality. To think like them, so everyone can be “safe.” Or, they’re trying to get ratings and behaving like a business instead of an organization with a responsibility to inform in a fair, balanced, accurate manner. None of these reasons, or any others that we can think of, are good enough to make inaccurate and downright confusing views of reality as presented by national news outlets not controlling, knowingly dishonest, or awful.

Aside from the news, the two main political parties of our national bipartisan system seem to be doing their best to rip each other apart – and in the process, rip apart any unity that exists in the country. They mostly act like toddlers fighting over an old, worn out blanket that they both have decided is their very most favorite.

Social media, AKA “people talking about stuff on the internet,” is doing its darnedest to implode. More people are talking than listening, and the resulting echo chambers are…well, echoing, at maximum volume. Everyone seems to be getting real offended at anyone who disagrees with them – and not just offended. People are seeing anyone who disagrees with them as an immediate enemy. With COVID, our primary social interaction has moved to online, and when it’s that hostile for dissenting opinions or ideas, something is very wrong.

Also, as of now, the sitting US President is so painful or dangerous to listen to (apparently?) that he doesn’t even get a voice on social media outlets. In addition, lots of other people who just…again, disagree, with the privately-held social media companies are banned. Literally silenced just for having opinions.

As two veterans of divorce, we recognize some of these patterns. It very much feels like the last stages of a relationship ending. Josh got some advice, about a year before his divorce was certain:

As long as you’re arguing, you’re okay – but if you go quiet, it’s just a matter of time.

As a country, we/the US has been arguing violently for about…30 years? We stopped civil discourse… at some point. We both began voting in presidential elections around the time that the results were so close to 50/50 that the winner could not be immediately determined. It’s not acceptable to talk about politics in “polite” circles, because it’s just assumed that we can’t agree and that relationships can’t survive in the face of that kind of disagreement.

You can’t have a political opinion in a public place without risking those relationships, and probably being disowned by at least two people. Any opinion at all is going to result in someone telling you that you’re a bad citizen, and not a “real” American, and also that you very definitely couldn’t possibly be a good person. Depending on where you say it, you will probably also be told that you’re not a good God person, or that you ignore science, or that you’re stupid and your opinions are irrelevant.

We do not accept differing opinions with a listening ear anymore.

Josh saw a video of a family being carted off to jail because they got together for a holiday party and can still hear the screams of their kids. Something is very very wrong.

What the hell happened? What can we do about it? What should we do about it? These are the questions we’ve been asking ourselves, ad nauseum.

We Forgot About Science

So…remember science?

Not, “you have to obey our commands or we will lock you up,” or “just listen to the experts without asking questions,” or “I have statistics so you have to do what I tell you,” or…really anything where people tell you what to do.

We’re talking about that thing where people went out and observed stuff, and thought about it intelligently, and then came to conclusions that were backed by empirical evidence. Maybe they had a hypothesis first, or maybe they observed a cool thing and then tried to understand and explain it. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, people said stuff, and then they went and figured out what they thought, for themselves. And often, they found out that they were wrong in their first, second, and maybe even third assumptions, and that the first and third conclusions were also wrong. But they kept looking, with open eyes. They also argued a lot, got offended, and generally disagreed, all for the purposes of finding the truth.

Science by this definition is, was, and always has been a violent attack on dogma. It doesn’t matter whose dogma, or which dogma, we’re talking about – but often, it was the ruling body and the church (or both). The “let’s figure out what reality is” crowd was perceived as a threat. Sometimes they were exiled. Sometimes they were killed. Often they were mocked and told they were crazy.

Also, sometimes they got rich, and sometimes they gave away their inventions for the good of mankind.

Pursuit of actual reality is one of our highest moral values, because that’s where you can most clearly see God. When teaching Actual Digital Transformation, or any other kind of soul healing, there is no substitute for Trying Stuff Out and Seeing What Happens (TM). We have considered actually patenting our methods, because they are so revolutionary today.

…LOLJK no we haven’t, that was totally some pained sarcasm, because the pursuit of actual reality seems to be painfully and confoundingly revolutionary, most of the time.

We’re sick of being told to “trust” anybody without question. Trust has to be built. We’ve individually, together, and also collectively as a society, been lied to for so long by authority figures that the idea of unquestioning trust of authority is offensive, and frankly ridiculous. Present evidence and let people choose, and allow encourage dissent, or GTFO.

If people are:

  • banning other people from saying they’re wrong
  • playing into our fear of being alone in order to try to manipulate agreement (“if you don’t agree, you aren’t one of us.”)
  • saying anything like, “you should blindly trust us because we’re the experts”
  • threatening, including “we’ll put you in jail”

…then they are very much not to be trusted.

We have somehow arrived at this stupid, and dangerous, place where we think that we can’t argue with something if it’s deemed “science.” We cover our ears and run when people say things we don’t like to consider. We can’t handle the thought of being wrong.


We Forgot about God

There’s something wrong with the world today,
I don’t know what it is.
Something’s wrong with our eyes.
We’re seeing things in a different way,
and God knows it ain’t his.

Livin’ on the Edge, Aerosmith

We seem to have forgotten, or perhaps some of us never knew or accepted, that there’s something bigger than all of us. Something so thoroughly Real that it is the authority we must all bend to. Something exists outside of all of us that it is beyond complete human understanding yet is present in every choice and action that we take. Something that if seen directly brings us to tears of joy and sweet sadness. It, He, can be found in being actually loved, or in seeing something so beautiful we cannot speak. It’s in every one of our souls. It’s in the babbling of a madman and in the unquestioning belief of a child, and in the most dangerous thought a person can have.

We forget that we can’t know things perfectly. We forget that we cannot control reality, and that we don’t need to control each other. We forget that any plan can fail, and that good things happen that we did not make happen.

God is behind all of this mess beauty and he’s working hard to break the chains we tend to put on ourselves. We bind our souls, thinking we must create all of the good we have in our lives, and we must keep ourselves safe from our greatest fear: being alone for who we are. That’s behind all of the “one of us” and the tribalism and the exile fears, and it’s why we think we have to agree (or at least pretend to agree) with our peer group, or risk that we ourselves will be excluded, exiled, and forgotten.

We Forgot We Don’t Have to be Afraid

Over and over, the damage we have taken personally, and the things that get in the way of actual good change, can be traced back to people being afraid.

Collectively, we’re all afraid. We’re afraid of losing the power to take care of ourselves. We’re afraid of being rejected, and as such, we’re afraid of whatever other people tell us we should fear.

A lot of those fears are real. People do sometimes hate us for what we believe in. People have lost jobs, and careers, because of economic fallout from COVID and the government’s response. The dollar is losing value at an impressive rate, so money isn’t really safety either (and in fact it never was…). People (us included!) have lost relationships once they decided they were no longer going to be controlled or hide. People hold on to their guns, and their stuff, and their relationships, and their opinions, and their tribes, and they hold on really really tight because they fear what might happen if they lose the things that they think keep them safe. People fear what they will do if they lose what matters to them, or if they lose what keeps them chained.

Angel of death and mercy,
come take me from this cage.
Cause these four walls and iron bars have been
witness to the rage,
of a thousand broken hearts, in chains…

In Chains, Shaman’s Harvest

We fight so hard to make laws and control each other in order to keep these chained things, but actually we do more damage to ourselves than to others when we seek to control – when we employ violence, rejection, hatred, disrespect, manipulation, denial of wants and needs, etc. It’s a national tragedy, and a human tragedy. We’ve fought these types of wars for decades – drug wars, culture wars, foreign wars, civil wars – because we thought that they were required in order to be safe.

But…actually, we don’t have to be afraid.

If you pay attention…it all works out pretty well.

We forget, so much, that love is much greater, and much stronger, than fear. It doesn’t always look like that, but…that’s how it lands. We forget that we can just…be ourselves. We forget that we can just be people and love each other and that…actually, life is pretty good.

You won’t be alone. People will like you, no matter your beliefs, statements, opinions, hot takes, or economic status. People will like you regardless of your tribe, your political orientation, or whatever other orientation you have. People will like you because you are a person. Not all people. Sometimes people will double down on being afraid, and they will not be willing to let you be free. But…you still won’t be alone. We know this because simple existence, simple “you are a person,” is all it takes for us to like someone. You are made of God-stuffs, and you are beautiful, and you are worth knowing and loving just because of that. If you’re hungry, I’ll give you from my food. If you’re sick, I’ll help take care of you.

It turns out, the real solutions win, most people are generally trying to be good, and love eventually wins over fear.

So…what now?

Yeah, it’s a valid question. And in some ways, we have literally no idea.

What we do know, or at least are pretty sure of, is that we need to apply the basic, and admittedly very complex, remedy of stop trying to control each other to the nation as a whole.

People have the literal God-given right to be free, and that needs to be respected and honored. We were once the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” and we seem to have en masse forgotten how to do that. But…actually, it’s okay, guys. As a nation, and beginning with ourselves, we need to process our feels, as much as that sucks, and default to freedom and not controlling each other. We need to realign to reality.

Souls are Like Garages

Souls are Like Garages

On Garages: a Semi-Rant

The box on the lower left is happy, if upside down.

A pet peeve of mine (Josh) is messy garages. I was ranting about this to Laine the other day, and an epiphany hit me.

Souls are like garages. Keep yours cleaned the f&$# out.

We are not naturally highly organized people. This is not a rant/post proposing that you itemize, alphabetize, and categorize every one of your possessions, towards living a better life. This is not that kind of post.

At least this person made an alley through their stuff…

However, your garage is made for a specific purpose. We both live in Michigan. It gets cold here. If you have to park your car on the street, or in your driveway, your car gets covered in frost that has to be scraped off with one of the most annoying tools ever created. It also gets covered in snow when it inevitably snows, and regardless of snow or frost, it’s cold in the mornings.

Your driveway is also the safest place for your friends and buddies to park when they come visit you – but if you have to park in the driveway, they have to park in the street.

If you park in a garage, if you use the garage for its intended purpose, you avoid all of this pain.

Garages are for parking. They shouldn’t be filled with cruft and detritus that you don’t need, you haven’t used in years, and you have no real plans to even think about.

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Our Pair Programming Experience – or, the first time we nerded out together and learned a ton

Our Pair Programming Experience – or, the first time we nerded out together and learned a ton

Pair Programming – What is?

Pair programming is an agile software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation. One, the driver, writes code while the other, the observer or navigator, reviews each line of code as it is typed in. The two programmers switch roles frequently. (Wikipedia)

Why explain our experience?

At the end of 2017, we were both OpenShift Architects at our last employer. We were working on integrating the new-to-us platform with the existing processes of the organization – especially the build, deployment, and release processes. Most of the applications on OpenShift would be Java applications, and all Java builds were done with Jenkins. There was a release management tool that was written in-house serving as a middle layer to control deployments and releases.

Build and deployment when we started, mostly to WebSphere on a mainframe or WebSphere on distributed VM’s.

We (the organization) were also in the middle of transitioning from enterprise Jenkins + templates to open source Jenkins + pipelines. There were only a handful of people in the very large IT division who even knew how to write a pipeline – and we took on writing the pipelines (and shared libraries) that would prove out a default implementation of building and releasing to OpenShift. We knew this would be a huge challenge – if done properly, the entire company could run their OpenShift deploys on this pipeline, and it could be improved and grown as more people contributed to it via the internal open source culture that we were building.

While we figured out what to do, the pipeline just went straight from (the new, open source version of) Jenkins to OpenShift. POC FTW!

We ended up doing this via pair programming – because we work really well together, mostly. However, because we’re both technology nerds and also people/culture nerds, and because pair programming has some push-back from more traditional organizations, we wrote down the benefits we saw.

I know some stuff, and you know some stuff, but basically we’re both noobs…

We were BOTH the little turtle…

The team Laine was assigned to was the team that oversaw Jenkins administration and the build process, along with the in-house release management tool – but she’d only been on that team for about 4 months. She knew more about Jenkins than Josh, but….not by much.

Josh was the one who spearheaded bringing OpenShift into the company, and so he knew a lot of the theory of automating OpenShift deploys and had a rough idea of what the process as a whole should look like.

…basically, neither of us really knew how to do what we set out to do, and actually we didn’t intend to do something that fell into the realm of pair programming. We just already relied on each other for many things, including understanding and processing information, and we both deeply loved OpenShift and saw its potential for the company we also loved. We were determined to do as much as we possibly could to help it be successful.

What We Actually Did

Mostly our plan was to just…try stuff. We followed the definition of pair programming above some of the time – we took turns writing while the other focused more on review, catching problems, and planning the next steps. This was awesome, because we caught problems early just by keeping an eye on each other’s work – like, “uhh, you spelled ‘deploy’ D-E-P-L-Y, that’s not gonna’ work…”

Taking turns doing the actual coding also allowed us to churn through research while still doing development. We’re both top-down thinkers, which means that we understood the steps that needed to happen without knowing quite how we would implement each step. With one of us researching while the other was coding, as soon as one coding task was complete, we could more or less start right away on the next. Given the amount of research we had to do, this was huge in speeding us up. It also allowed us to switch up what we were each doing, and not get bogged down in either research or implementation.

Why is Heath Ledger Joker on this? IDK, who cares?? <3

In addition to taking turns coding vs overseeing, we also did a lot of what might be called parallel programming – we worked closely on different aspects of the same problem at the same time. This was also highly effective, but it required us to be very much on the same page about what we were doing. We did this mostly off-hours, via Slack communication, so…it wasn’t always a given that we actually were on the same page.

Despite the communication hijinks, or maybe because of them (it was really funny…), this was probably the most efficient of all of the coding work we did. If we got stuck or didn’t know how to solve a problem, the other could easily figure out how to help because we were already in the code. We also bounced questions and implementation ideas off of each other (efficiently, because we didn’t need to explain the entire project!), so…something like pair solution design.

And again, up there in overall efficiency, was some pair debugging. We could put our heads together to talk through what was broken (aside from typos…), figure out why it was broken, and land more quickly at the right solution to fix it. (See also: Rubber Duck Debugging)

This is where we landed after we did our part. We advised on tweaking the process, helped implement updates where we could, and…got out of the way and let the very talented and enthusiastic contributing developers take over.

Why it was Awesome

(Quotes in this section are from Strengthening the Case for Pair Programming.)

More Efficient

Two heads are better than one. Often, the part of development that takes the longest or is the most complicated isn’t writing the code  it’s figuring out what to do, and then figuring out what you did to break it and how to fix it.

Having a person there who understands the project as well as you do can speed up…well, literally all of that.

Higher Quality

…virtually all the surveyed professional programmers stated that they were more confident in their solutions when they pair programmed.

Pair programming provides better quality, hands down. We talked about this some already – a pair programmer can catch bugs before compiling or unit tests can, and they can catch bugs all the way from a typo to an architecture or design problem. Pair programming also requires by its very nature discussing all decisions – both design and implementation, at least at a high level.

…basically, you end up with an application where there’s been a design and code review for literally every aspect of the application.

Resilient Programming FTW (or, You Can Still Make Progress Even when Your Computer Dies)

We both had some laptop issues in all of this – Laine had some battery issues, and Josh had his laptop start a virus scan (slowing his computer to the point of being unusable) while he was trying to code. We got on Slack and helped the one who still had a working laptop, rather than that time just…being wasted.

Relationships, and Joy

…more than 90% stated that they enjoyed collaborative programming more than solo programming.

Best nerd celebration emoji.

Laughing at mistakes, getting encouragement (or trolling) when we did dumb stuff, nerd emoji celebration when something went well – all of these were better because we were working together.

It was just…fun. There was joy in all of it, in both the successes and the failures. And there was joy in the shared purpose of setting something that we loved up for success.

When making a pair…

There are a few things we learned that were vital to pair programming going well for us. We think that the following pieces are the most important to a successful pairing:


Without trust, you lose some of the benefit of pointing out mistakes and instead spend the time you’d gain making sure that feelings aren’t hurt. Based on our experience, we actually think that this one is the most important key to success.


You’ll want to find someone with approximately the same temperament and, uh…bossy-ness. We went with Bossy-ness Level: Maximum, but you do you. We both push for what we think is the right solution, and we kind of enjoy arguing with each other to figure out whose solution really is right. If either of us had paired with someone who was uncomfortable with conflict, chances are it…wouldn’t have gone well.

Technical Level/Skill/Experience

Pair programming probably isn’t going to work very well with a brand new associate paired up with someone who’s been in the industry for 10 years. That’s a lot of context to explain, so while this set up is amazing for training purposes, it isn’t the most effective for software delivery.

Lack of Knowledge

Look for someone who knows something you don’t about what you’re trying to accomplish. Laine knew Jenkins and is a Google savant, and Josh knew the OpenShift theory and reads constantly – when automating releases to OpenShift, it was a good combination.

And Finally

Pair programming provides a ton of value. It speeds up development, catches bugs sooner, and aids dramatically in design and implementation. It’s also fun, which is important and sometimes forgotten about in the just deliver more world of IT.

We loved working together on this, which led to much joy in learning the deep knowledge necessary to build a pipeline the whole company could use. And, even better, it worked – teams that joined OpenShift used and improved upon what we did, and those teams implemented continuous delivery on OpenShift. We’re both very sure that we never have been that successful if we hadn’t paired up on it.

Your Fears are Not a Beacon

Your Fears are Not a Beacon

Fear is really hard to deal with. Fight or flight is an inherent human truth – we think that if we’re afraid, we must act. But…most of the time, action in the context of fear doesn’t make a ton of sense. It’s very logical in the comparatively rare times that our lives are actually in danger – but in the times we are simply (ha) afraid that we will lose an important relationship, action spurred by fear usually just does a whole lot of damage.

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Laptop Stickers: These are My Nerd Gang Signs

Laptop Stickers: These are My Nerd Gang Signs

I seeeee you!

One of our favorite things to do is to observe people. You can learn a ton about people by watching them (uh…in a non-creepy way, ideally) and seeing what they display as valuable. With nerds, one of the best ways to do this is to look at their laptops – make and model and operating system, sure, but actually the best source of information is to look at their stickers. A laptop is very important among nerds. It is the tool with which they fulfill their purpose, and so it has inherent value. It’s also only so big, so real estate given to stickers is important. You can learn a ton about a nerd by the tech and things they choose to affiliate with.

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Lean Enterprise Innovation

Lean Enterprise Innovation

(FYI, we’re using affiliate links to Amazon in this post!)

Technology innovation is vital. It can enable business success – and it can also drive business innovation.

If a business falls behind the technology curve, it opens itself up to the risk of under-serving its customers, and eventually being out-maneuvered and defeated in the marketplace. This happens over and over to businesses, where a competitor’s technological innovation pushes them right out of existence – see Blockbuster (Netflix), and Border’s (Amazon, B&N). Amazon has also innovated while JC Penney has stagnated – department stores could have taken the world by storm via the internet – but their online presences weren’t good, certainly not as good as their competitors, and therefore neither were their sales figures.

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Ummm…I have a question…actually I have about 50.

Ummm…I have a question…actually I have about 50.

Being a person is hard.

This is just science. The only way it’s easy is if: a) you’re lying to yourself, or b) you aren’t paying a lot of attention to yourself or the world around you. People are broken, but we also have God in us, and the conflict between Team Damaged and Team Divine means that… being a person is hard.

The conflict between Team Damaged and Team Divine means that… being a person is hard.

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