Tag: Argument

Trust: What is?

Trust: What is?

Fun fact – the Building Reliability blog post was originally called “Building Trust.” It was old content – some day we’ll tell the story of everything that happened between when it was originally published and when we published it here, but suffice it to say that a lot changed okay.

Because of what changed, Laine was immediately and thoroughly triggered by defining trust in some part as “doing what people expect of you.” Some number of arguments later, we agreed that what’s described in that post is reliability – which is in fact different from trust. And…then we started trying to define and explain trust. Turns out, it really isn’t easy. After a lot of paying attention to where we stumble in trusting other people (spoiler alert: we’re both awful at it, actually…), this post was born. Finally.

We’re going to explain in more detail, but here is the basic definition:

Trust: believing that the other person loves you enough to figure it out – whatever it is.

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The Five Most Important Ingredients in Doing Technical Stuff ™

The Five Most Important Ingredients in Doing Technical Stuff ™

We were talking (arguing!) about the most important ingredients that are critical for executing technical work (aka doing Technical Stuff ™). Josh claimed there were four skills necessary, at which Laine scoffed and said that couldn’t possibly be true. Turns out, he was pretty much right – so we wrote that post. Then we realized there’s a fifth thing that’s not only necessary, but vital – but it isn’t a skill. So…we had to change the title. Usually in a list, three or four things is the right answer, but… not today, apparently.

And so, with no more ado, the ingredients critical for doing Technical Stuff are:

  1. Support
  2. Kitty Typing
  3. Experience
  4. Googling
  5. Determination

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