OpenShift’s JDK11 S2I is Generally Available!

OpenShift’s JDK11 S2I is Generally Available!

If you’re a Java developer who’s been working with OpenShift 3.x for a while, odds are very high you’ve worked with their OpenJDK 8 S2I image.

That container includes Red Hat’s S2I magic, which can take a git URL or a JAR and turn it into a running Java application. Combined with Spring Boot, it’s a fantastic way to get running Java containers in minutes.

At our last company, we had new developers building production-ready applications less than a week after their start date, using this tech (and pipelines that ran SonarQube and code reviews/pull requests in Bitbucket…we’re not totally crazy).

But, if you’re a Java developer who’s been paying attention, you know that Java 9/10/11 have lots of good new features over Java 8. And, you know that OpenJDK 11 is the one that’s getting long-term support from Red Hat.

OpenJDK 11 Image is Now Available!

A couple people were asking about Java 11 in OpenShift, so we checked it out and noticed that the JDK 11 image is now marked as Generally Available!  As of this writing, it’s on version 1.0-8 and fully supported for OpenShift customers:


If you maintain your own registry, you can pull the image from Red Hat’s container registry into your openshift project with this command:

oc tag openshift/openjdk-11-rhel7:latest --scheduled=true

The oc tagcommand with --scheduled=true will also set up the image in your registry to auto-pull from Red Hat’s registry as new versions are assigned to the tag latest. This is great for things like vulnerabilities, especially if you have a process to automatically update any applications built using the Red Hat image.

Have fun with Java 11!

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